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/ Faces of Papua New Guinea / Faces of Papua New Guinea by Wm. C. Clarke, Ph.D. (Wayzata Technology)(3211)(1995).bin / windows / standal3

Images (7)

Audio & Music (2)
00008_Sound_track9A.IFF Waveform Audio File Format 26s 589KB 1994-10-10
00016_Sound_track4A.IFF Waveform Audio File Format 30s 668KB 1994-10-10

Text (7)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
00010_Field_10.txt Text File 1 29b 1994-10-10
00011_Field_11.txt Text File 1 28b 1994-10-10
00014_Field_14.txt Text File 1 29b 1994-10-10
00024_Script_24 Text File 1 46b 1994-10-10
00025_Script_25 Text File 1 8b 1994-10-10
00026_Script_26 Text File 1 21b 1994-10-10
00027_Script_27 Text File 1 21b 1994-10-10